Are you tired of waiting for a certain action figure to hit the shelves? Or hearing about a figure you’ve been waiting forever for get pushed back, or even cancelled before production? Well, now all you have to do is contact me...
I’m currently accepting commissions full time. I can do anything from a simple repaint, to a full on sculpting job and I can make any character you want, from any universe even if it’s an original concept.
All you have to do is send me an email with your name, the figure you want made, and some reference photos or detailed descriptions. And you do have to be detailed with the description. You can’t just say “Batman”. With as many styles as Batman has been done in, I need detail (i.e. Dick Grayson Batman, Justice Lord Batman, etc.).
After you’ve sent the email, I will work out all the details, such as price, base figures to be used, reference shots, and time of completion. I like to send out updates about once a week to let you know how the progress is coming on your custom. If something happens that causes me to take longer than I initially anticipated, you will be informed. Communication is key for me, and I always keep you up to date on the progress of your custom.
Please send the email to with the subject “commission request”. This way, I won’t skip over it by accident.

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